Monday, November 19, 2012

Caesars Empire

Julius Caesar organized a collation, known as the First Triumvirate, made up of Pompey, commander in chief of the army; Marcus Licinius Crassus, the wealthiest man in Rome, and Caesar himself. All three of these men weren't the best of friends, they all fought for power in Rome. Before Caesar stepped into Roman politics it was a Republic which was two consuls, a senate, and a tribal assembly. Which led to the twelve tables of Rome which were the first written laws, but after Caesar beat out his competition and having the title of being a great military leader he had enough power to overtake the republic and turn it into his own Empire. They didn't think that Caesar would continue to be emperor for long, but as the years went on he continued to rule and the people got fed up and revolted. Caesar was brought down by his own people. Some people would say that Caesar was the first emperor of Rome, but if you think about it, Caesar declared himself emperor and that really didn't count. The second Triumvirate consisted of Octavian Augustus, Mark Antony, and Marcus Lepidus, and Octavian won. He was the first official emperor of Rome.

Born July 100 BC-15 March 44 BC (aged 55)
Born 23 September 63 BC-19 August AD 14 (aged 75)

There many more emperors after Octavian, but let it be known that Julius Caesar changed Rome from a republic into a empire. After that the Roman empire grew very large, but it was very hard for Rome to keep track of there large empire, so different countries attacked the outskirts of the Roman empire and slowly reduced the size of it to the point of containment. The reason why I thought this was interesting topic that we talked about is because I never knew that Rome was once a republic and now that I know I just wonder what would have become of the Roman society if Julius Caesar never changed it. Would it have been better or worst as a republic?    
-Malik Lee


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