Wednesday, December 10, 2014 0 comments

Enhancing Qualities

        Starting this scholarship to Paris my ultimate goal was to grow in a few qualities before going to college. The three things I wanted to grow in was socially, intellectually, and to become more passionate. One thing I can say was that I've grown socially learning to talk to people and have an actual conversation without knowing them. As it was a competition, it felt nothing like one if anything I felt comfortable with all the others that were competing. I also expanded greatly my knowledge on the culture of Parisians. I have became more into interested in the art of architecture and paintings. learning to see the artist personality through their art seeing that they all had something distinct about them all which helped me come to appreciate them more. This helped me with becoming more passionate. I learned once you learn more about something the more interesting it becomes. I even learned things about myself competing in this scholarship. I feel as if this opportunity given helped me become more street smart. learning what popos are and knowing why the buildings in San Francisco are small or tall as they are. Then, with writing these blogs was nice because it helped us find a lot of information out on our own on something that we found interesting at the Paris seminars. It has even helped me with my writing skills, before this process I would be afraid to ever try to write a paper in two days. It has become increasingly easier to writ which is one thing I am most proud of being that in college I will have many writing assignments to do. That is where I feel I have enhanced intellectually. This competition for the scholarship to go to Paris was a great learning experience for me. I am proud of myself for going all the way through with it, it feels great that I actually did this scholarship and did not let my negative thinking or anyone else talk me out of it. I'm grateful to have slightly expanded in the qualities of becoming more passionate, intellectual, and social.
                                                                                        -Dazhawna Miller


             I am very thankful for this experience. Each seminar depend my love and curiosity for different cultures. Through every seminar and after every blog I was happy because I gained more knowledge about another world.  The French culture showed that the arts and culture can be powerful influences internationally. I am happy with the knowledge I have gained because I know there is more to France
than what I’ve seen and I am excited about that. Every culture has some extraordinary asset and I want to acknowledge their gifts. This application was totally worth it because it challenged my ambition and increased my knowledge about outside worlds.

            Since the first blog I have grown tremendously and I thank the TYTT Scholarship for the application process. Writing several blogs have increased my exposer to the type of career I’d like to pursue, which is journalism. This application process challenged me because I had to write a blog and submit it at specific time. The time deadline has hinted what a journalist would have to go through. I will
have to face more deadlines as a journalist because stories will have to be published. Therefore I am honored to have experience the TYTT Scholarship because it is preparing me for my future.

             After every seminar I grew with a deeper passion to learn about different cultures. Learning about the French history, art, langue, and architecture enlighten me by realizing there was much more to my world. From the seminars I learned the French had to experience multiple revolutions to gain true independence. In the arts Picasso and Matisse were well known and created cubism and abstract paintings.  When speaking French one has to consider the gender and status of a person when being
addressed. In addition to the langue and culture French architecture was another form of art. The gothic cathedrals and the extravagant castles showed the exaggerated the importance of the build and its purpose.  Also I became intrigued and eager to learn more about other worlds because every culture has their own beauty and I need to experience all of them. The French seminars are only a tip to the ice burg of beautiful cultures I will encounter.

            I am very thankful for this experience. My love and curiosity for different cultures has increased and I am ready to learn more about all cultures. Each seminar and blog has increased the fuel to my burning passion for learning.  From the cathedrals to jazz I grew as I increased my knowledge about the French culture. I am delighted with the knowledge I have gained because I know there is more to France and I will gain the full experience one day in life. In conclusion I am very blessed and thankful for this opportunity and I will continue to learn and experience more cultures because every world has a beauty within them. Applying was worth it  challenged and inspired me to study more about different cultures. Thank you for this opportunity.

La'Shay Hankerson


A Puzzle of a Journey

Union Square IN San Francisco, California
Wikimedia Commons: Benson Kua
Yesterday, I sat in a room with 3,000 other individuals; and while this seems like an extremely claustrophobic situation, I assure you that we were all seated quite comfortably – some in the floor seating, some in the balcony. As the various notes and tones of Yo-Yo Ma soared through the auditorium and sauntered through my ears, I began to think: how did I get here? The obvious answer is that I had been driven through downtown Sacramento, dropped off in front of the Memorial Auditorium, and given a balcony ticket; but, I am not talking about that am I? My memories brought me back to the day that had submitted my application for the Context Travel scholarship. I knew what I was looking for – an opportunity to delve into a foreign culture and increase my knowledge of the world around me – or so I thought. However, this process has taught me a subtle lesson – don’t judge a book by its cover! Paris is known as the city of lights, and to me it was the brewing grounds for the notorious French Revolution as well as a world-renown pompous cuisine. However, hours of research highlighted more subtle and back-alley events, such as the building of a mock Paris during World War I.

Wikimedia Commons: Toffel (own work)
Slowly, I began to learn that there were more jewels, such as art and opera, hidden under the rugged surface of Parisian history. In addition, traveling to San Francisco allowed me to experience the city at a more personal level. Sure, I was traveling with a group; but at the same time I found myself alone and entranced, as each sight presented its garments of brick, wood, marble, and Shanghai collectables. Strolling through San Francisco’s Little Italy, Chinatown, and Vietnamese corridors and standing in the city’s Catholic cathedral and Union square showed me that I had only viewed San Francisco as an everyday city, something it was not. This reality check has helped me to assess my actions in my personal life. I quickly found that I had been criticizing my circumstances based on a general stereotype rather than looking for the positive aspects. Wow! Now, I found myself under the voice of the great Yo-Yo Ma, the last piece to this puzzle-of-a-journey. He believes that the secret to all of his musical fame and acclamation is the fact that he “found the code” within his music. In other words, Ma went directly past the technicality of the musical piece to access the emotion and the “words” behind it. In my everyday life, that means purposely looking for the positive in my circumstances; for only then, as Yo-Yo puts it, will “I find meaning.”

Panorama of San Francisco
Wikimedia Commons: JohanSonn (own work)

Unforgettable Experience

This experience has allowed me to grow personally throughout the process. I have become a little more adventurous with the little things in life that describes me. I now try foods that I have never eaten, hoping that I will enjoy the taste. What made me do this now was because of the French grilled cheese I ate at La Boulance, which had peasant bread, cheddar, and provolone. I enjoyed the sandwich, even though I have never had provolone or peasant bread, but I surprisingly enjoyed it regardless.
Now whenever I hear about the different types of French artists, such as Monet, Manet, Picasso, Gertrude, and so on; I suddenly remember the seminars and tell the people around me or the person who mentioned the artist about the seminars I went to. One time, this substitute for my advanced engineering class talked about how the flying buttresses of the Notre Dame Cathedral and asked if any of the students knew about it. I immediately remembered about what I learned from the history seminar and mentioned that I knew about the buttresses and where I learned them from, I was glad at the fact that I remembered the parts of the cathedral from the seminar.
The French language seminar also helped me grow personally, while I was taking the SAT last Saturday and McClatchy, my testing room was in a French class. It was such ironic because of the familiar French words I saw around the room that I learned in the seminar. This made me remember of all of the words and sentences I learned with Ms. Bowie. Every time I had a mini-break from my test, I would continuously look around the room and see all of the French words, and I’ve asked myself, “Maybe I should look into learning French, since it’s similar to Spanish in a way.”

The competition for the wonderful trip to Paris has molded my mind with all of the things I learned in the seminars and the San Francisco trip. I have grown in my own ways personally and hope to use this knowledge in the future to help me in college. I enjoyed participating in this competition and learning about French culture and wish good luck to everyone. J

The Eiffle tower got me here.

"Eiffel Tower Paris 01" by Waithamai - Own work.Wikimedia Commons 


For many years I have developed an obsession towards the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France. However, I came into TYTT with no actual knowledge about the french culture or lifestyle. Throughout the past few months I have been exposed to amazing things that have taught me not only about france but also have shaped my aspirations of going to college, specifically to a college that will challenge me to get out my comfort zone. I came in with confidence at the beginning because I felt like I was prepared. However, I was not. Some of the seminars, like language were challenging because I felt like I was exaggerating on my pronunciations or not good enough to get it right. I realized that I needed to explore this world before going in. So I dedicated myself to learning as much as I could. Its amazing that in a few months I have gain so much from TYTT. Besides the struggles I learned to stand up for myself against my cultural norms. My parents have taught me to work hard to get what I desire in life, however ironically they complain that I do too many things at school like clubs. I understand that they want the best for me and they advise me to focus completely on my grades but, the extracurricular activities that I do keep me going and helps me expand my knowledge and skills. I love to learn and TYTT has given me more to put on my plate but I enjoy it and that is what keeps me motivated towards success.  
The trip to San Francisco with TYTT applicants and Rick Evans inspired me to expand and travel beyond my initial aspirations. San Francisco was a great experience that challenged me to think outside the box, outside my community and to move away from my expectations. I gained so much from this trip about the architecture of San Francisco that I want to take my family and show they everything I learned. It was a true honor to be part of the walk in San Francisco with amazing people. Just like San Francisco I want to leave my heart not only in Pairs, France but all around the world.
"Love locks (12621739954)" by Miguel Mendez from Malahide, Ireland
Looking back today, to before I applied for this TYTT scholarship I became a fan of Paris just by seeing it through photographs and descriptions, it is hard to believe that that idea of visiting Paris and seeing the Eiffel tower for the first time has grown from a desire to a reality where I am working towards to. Regardless whether I am chosen or not for this scholarship its is something that I am looking forward to and TYTT has build that dream inside me, telling me that anything is possible. I have grown out of my shy shell throughout my high school years but context travel has motivated me to become an intellectual person like Rick Evans. Coming from a Hispanic Background in a household that is close knitted, it is sometimes hard to explore the world. At least for me, as the only and oldest girl, its been difficult to venture out into the world. I want to exceed the expectation that society has set for me: to finish high school and build a family at a young age. Its hard to oppose these pressures but I want to grow and not be another number, another statistic. I want to be successful and do what I like to do and that means continuing to learn and explore the world so that one day someone can admire me as I admire the people I’ve met through context travel.  

-Rebeca Vargas


Personal Grown : optimism

My last post… I have personally grown during this process by pushing myself out of my comfort zone and going after what I want, and learning how to be optimistic in the situations that I encounter.

Now pushing myself out of my comfort zone was like leading a horse to water, you lead them to it, however, you can not make the horse drink the water. By that I mean having the mental courage to push myself out my comfort zone to do something Bold, at the time it  was an abstract idea. See Shannon L. Alder once said, “Fear is the glue that keeps you stuck. Faith is the solvent that sets you free.” So once I realized that the opportunity of going to Paris might slip through my grasps, I had a short flashback to the bullied days of my life and I had a split second to decide the course of my life… A heartbeat later I chased down that opportunity and I have been devoted ever since. Before every blog post I brainstorm and I stay up all night to rewrite and double check my work.

Optimistic(ism) is when a person disposed to take a favorable view of events or conditions and to expect the most favorable outcome. In my own words this means to always see the bright side in every sticky situation. Winston L. Churchill greatly said, “ A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” I looked this quote up a few months back and now it applies to me, through this process I had to learn how to see the opportunity in every obstacles that I face. Instead of running  or standing there stuck I had to take a few steps back and look at the situation and turn them into opportunities.

In conclusion I really enjoyed the trips and classes we took and yes I have personally grown with maturity and so much more during this process. Having the courage to push myself to do something bold and learning how to be optimistic about the situations I will encounter, will not only better myself as a person but better myself in and for my future.

--- Seta Ates

Interview with myself, HOW DOES IT FEEL?

Wikimedia Commons: Kate Gibson
Writing blogs over the past three months and sharing my experiences with you gave me a chance to express myself.  I loved the experience, as when I wrote, it felt as though I was a new born baby being born into a new world. I've reflected about each seminar over the past few months. Every seminar was an exciting and informational seminar that taught me to look at the world differently. During the seminars I felt like I was in Paris learning from a docent. My second year applying for Context Travel was stressful and tiring, but I would not trade it for anything in the world. Context Travel and the teachers did a good job on getting us ready for Paris and really living up to their mission: transforming youth through travel. 
Wikimedia Commons: Bill Fogarty:

What did I like most about the application process? Everything. Going through the experiences, I am forever thankful to Context Travel for my new memories. If I had to pick one topic that was my favorite topic, I would pick the trip to San Francisco. I loved that trip most because I got a chance to learn about San Francisco, the other applicants, and eat French dessert. That experience changed my life dramatically by opening my eyes to the City’s history, showing me that I am not alone in my political views, and my taste buds to napoleons.

Picture of Yo-Yo Ma
Wikimedia Commons: Jessie Peter
While not part of the application process, I would have never attended the Yo-Yo Ma lecture without this application experience. Ma explained that music is just your imagination and you are the author of your own imagination. For example, Mr. Ma played a famous classical song for us. When he got done, he asked the audience what they thought about the piece and what emotions we had.  I had different emotions than the other audience members, but he told us that there was no right answer.  He said that it’s just you and your imagination working together to analyze a song, beat by beat. I really enjoyed this because it opened me to classical music and connected it to my love of analyzing items and creating meaning.   

Why did you sign up for Context Travel? I love to travel and am always willing to try new things. When heard about the opportunity to go Rome last year, I took the offer and ran with it. When I wasn't selected, I knew I would apply again this year.  Also Context Travel combines my love of travel with new experiences as I have never been to Paris or Rome or anywhere further than Reno, Nevada. It was fun to learn about the Paris and the changes that they have made from 300 BCE.  It would be amazing to see the changes with my own eyes.

What have you learned from Context Travel? Context Travel and this application process have made me into a different person. Before I started Context Travel, I didn't know how to manage my schedule. With the deadlines to the blogs, I now create and use a daily agenda where I write my assignments and estimate the time each assignment will take. Context Travel has also helped me to just let go, and not worry about what people will say.

Context Travel and the teachers transformed me into a better student and critical thinker. While gaining more information about Paris than others, I was able to work through hard, stressful times where I completed all blogs and assignments required. Never will I trade these experiences for anything. Yes, it was stressful at times, but I have learned so much from Context Travel that I would have never learned from anybody else. For future students that are confused on if they should do Context Travel, I would say yes, do it. What do you have to lose? You’re only going to get stronger.    
Wikimedia Commons:Kate Gibson 
-Roynell Anderson


My reflection

Unknown, Aviation Photographer: Balint

My experience with the TYTT scholarship has been absolutely amazing; it completely lifted me up, up and away since I had the opportunity to meet new people, explore different interest, try new foods and learn a complete culture in a number of hours. And I also can't forget about the San Francisco trip where I have gotten the opportunity to learn more about the city. Overall this experience was incredible; all that hard work was definitely worth it!

Unknown, David
While participating in this scholarship, I've gotten a wonderful opportunity to meet not only students but staff as well. I feel that in the future it is important to communicate well with others, make dead lines and be social with others. The TYTT scholarship gave me that opportunity to explore those necessities that I will continue to use in life. 
unknown artist
Doing this whole experience, I also explored many interest like art history and architectures. Everette showed me a whole different way of observing art in a way that I'll never forget. Thanks to her, I will pay even more attention to paintings carefully. I also enjoyed learning about architecture of buildings that were in San Francisco; absolutely amazing.

unknown artist
I also can't forget about the many foods I got to try. Although this experience was challenging, I appreciate it a lot because life is full of challenges. This scholarship prepared more than anyone would of thought. Thanks a lot again.



Smile, We Made It...

My final blog post... I can’t help but feel a little sad as I sit here, typing away at my computer. Even though I took a shot at achieving this fellowship last year, this year was an entirely new experience for me. I know for a fact that the memories and friendships I have forged with Context over the years will last me a lifetime.
This whole process has given me numerous opportunities for personal growth. I can say with confidence that last year, I was very serious and passionate about making sure everything was perfect. I wasn’t being myself because in the back of my mind I thought, “Is that really what they want to see?” I realized this to be a major flaw in my thinking which allowed me to shift my mindset and take a stronger approach this year. I know perfection isn’t realistic and I didn’t want to make myself seem perfect. I wanted to make sure the panel knew my face and truly got the sense of who I am as a person.
Secondly, I wanted to just have fun! Last year, due to my serious manner, I didn’t really allow myself to enjoy it. I treated it as a competition in which I was dead-set on winning. This year, I allowed myself to open up and enjoy the application process. What I took away from this whole experience was to always be myself and show people the true me and what I have to bring to the table. I also admire the growth I’ve seen within my fellow applicants. I feel that everyone showed great determination and passion for this fellowship. I could feel their ambition for wanting to win this competition. It was refreshing to be surrounded by such determined and focused individuals. I can tell the panel is going to have a tough decision to make.
Because this is the end, I want to end on a positive note. Win or lose, I want congratulate everyone. Congratulations on making it all the way to the end, pushing through, and never giving up. We can all proudly say we made it to the end and gave it our all. We completed the entire process which is definitely something to be proud of. We are no longer a group of applicants; we are a part of the Context family. Nine of us remain… and only two will be selected. Let the anxiety begin. I wanted to thank Context as a whole and more specifically Ms. Mills, Ms. Everret, and Mr. Marks for making this another fantastic year. Good luck to my fellow applicants. In just a few more days, the winners will finally be revealed.
Saturday, November 15, 2014 0 comments


 “ Life can only be understood backwards; but must be lived forwards.” -- Soren Kierkeqaard

 I agree with this quote because in order to live life for the future one must understand and forgive their past, just because you understand doesn't mean you live, for if you live in the past you can't live within your future.

      After visiting such a remarkable city, something caught my eye. The theme old vs. new pops up a lot in San Francisco especially with the Shell Building (1930) and the Crown Zellerbach (One bush plaza 1959). It isn't their similarities that bring them together but their Differences. The Shell Building being one of the tallest office buildings in San Francisco, the building was made with Gothic and Modern stylistic elements and the One Bush Plaza is the second office buildings with Glass curtain walls and because of that detail it is very important to downtown San Francisco. The differences bring these two buildings together by them Reflecting the Future and the Past of each other.

          In the beginning I mentioned the quote by Soren K., which explains that in order to make a Future you need to understand the foundations of the past. For a perfect example is how the Shell Building ( being the old) which created the foundation of the Crown Building ( the new modern). The past always plays a part in every new thing. Which is why when you look at something new you can always see a glimpse of the past within it.

photo credit Kurt Brown

 Everyone keeps asking me Why do you want to go to Paris, from my family to my friends and even to some of my teachers at school. Let me tell you some things I have learned on this experience. I learned that when one door slams in your face another one opens. I also learned how to not give up, even when all odds and chances are against me but, to proceed and flourish with all the odds and chances are against me. I learned to overcome them instead of running away out of fear. Thats why I want, thats why it excites me about possibly going to Paris because I dont want to hide behind my walls of fear anymore. I want to prove not only to people but, also to be able to look at myself and say, Yes! I did it even when all odds were against me. I accomplished something greater than myself.
photo credit  Hagen Stier 

Seta Ates.
Friday, November 14, 2014 0 comments

Valuable Atmosphere and Making Statements

Valuable Atmosphere and Making Statements 

The Hallidlie Building 
There is more to San Francisco than meets the eye. Sadly, some of San Francisco's buildings are limited to their beauty. The cause to the limitations are air rights. Yes, air rights are an actual regulation. Depending on the urban planning, and the blocks air spacing, a building can only be a certain amount od stories high. However, there is a way to exceed the limitations. The owner of a building can purchase a neighboring building's air rights. Purchasing the air rights transfers more floors to one building. The more stories a building has, the more leasing a building can take allow.

The Crown Zellerbach Paper Company Building 
  While I walked throughout San Francisco I realized each building is an art piece from an architect. Each building makes a statement of how unique they are. One of the most unique buildings from the tour is the Hallidlie Building. I fell in love with this building. Its statement was so bold and daring. Willis Polk used freezes as drapes, fire escapes to "pull" the drapes open, so it creates a window effect. This effect opens up the window into the future of architecture. The Hallidlie Building stole the attention away from the traditional buildings of the early 1900's.

            Another glass building that captivated me was the Crown Zellerbach Paper Company Building in 1959.  This building showed strength and luxury simultaneously. Surounding the building was a open area of a cobblestone and underneath the building was the glass box lobby. The glass box showed strength because it was able to hold up the building without obvious support. Which gave a statement that the company was stong and can withhold large duties.  The Crown Zellerbach Paper Company Building also showed the luxury of its strength. Italian tiles, furniture, mabel, and wood floors howed that this building was ment for the hard working.  


The Crown Zellerbach Paper Company Building 
  I've always loved San Francisco and this experience has given me more reasons to love it more. I am glad that I received a different perspective of how buildings are created and their history is more than just a need of space. Everything has a history and everything makes a statement or a reason of existence. Therefore the reasons for the Hallidlie Building was to make a statement that old things need to change and the Crown Zellerbach Paper Company Building was to show how strong a company was. Therefore, the architects create buildings to express their opinions on what a building shold say to the public. The past should create the future and the future should embrace the past.

Lashay Hankerson

Rincon 20

Wikimedia commons: By Lteelim
"Americas Greatest City By The Bay at Union Square, San Francisco, CA"

The first Thing I noticed as we drove into San Francisco was the old and new buildings next to each other. Condensed together, wall by wall, street by street, uneven heights and different structures. Cars everywhere, people walking up and down the streets looking through the store windows. I walked into an unknown city and left my heart in San Francisco. I found myself in a city rich with diversity, innovations, and beauty.

As a senior, going to college next year I have developed a desire to major in business and own my real estate agency. My goal is to build healthy families and communities. San Francisco might just be the place for me to seek great business opportunities. My ideal Rincon 20 will be 120 stories high and be designed by Willis Bolk. I would let him decide on the exterior design and materials. Basically everything! Maybe I am exaggerating on the 120 stories high and hiring Bolk since he died in 1924. However, if he were still around or if I would of been born in his generation, I would of liked it if he designed Rincon 20 but without the glass curtain like on the Hallidie building. Bolks designs are unique and symbolic. Through the Hallidie building architecture, Bolk send a message of leaving the past and going to the future with a different perspective. The symbolic message I would have with Rincon 20 would be similar to Bolk; to leave cliche and go unique.

Wikimedia Commons: Willis Bolk
Photographer unknown

The interior will be abstract and complex to reflect how people are inside filled with many emotions and experiences that they might not understand and that confuses them. The exterior will be normal and similar to Rincon 1 to show that the exterior appearance does not define everything. The hallways will be filled with different types of art made by the public that reflect on how they feel and see the world. These arts will be open to different interpretations which can be complex or simply straight to the point. The appearance of Rincon 20 will be unique to reflect on how every individual is different. I know that the art in Rincon 20 might not live up to the standards of the human judgment and not be as good as Picasso and Matisse. However, this characteristic will define my perspective of life: that everyone should be accepted for who they are inside.

 If I had to buy air rights to add space to Rincon and then give back to the public with a privately own public open space (POPOS) I wouldn't make it a secret. The POPOS in San Francisco are secret gardens usually on roof tops and at times not open to the public on weekends. On Wednesday as I stood on the rooftop POPOS, I felt relaxed. I suddenly forgot about my problems at home and I focused on that moment. It was a great feeling all I could think of was, how can a beautiful place by kept away from the public and not always available? While I was feeling the breeze brush against my face, I thought about life and how I would like to have a place like that to just reflect on whatever is on my mind.
Wikimedia Commons: One Rincon hill By Daniel Ramirez
I found everything interesting especially the way history and modernism in buildings went together and have made up a wonderful, meaningful city. I know that Paris values history through the buildings, beautiful sites, and art museums. I would look forward to understand and learn about the city of Paris just by connecting the architecture of buildings to the history of Paris  and other things that make up Paris. It is amazing how much I learned about San Francisco in just two hours. Imagine in Paris! Having two tours a day with amazing people like Rick Evans, experts in different topics. It was an amazing experience and with everything I learned, I developed my ideal Rincon 20. A place where people can express their feelings and identity through any type of art form and then give them a place to reflect on life. Rincon 20 will reflect on the people, how would your ideal Rincon be like?  

-Rebecca Vargas      


Oddities of San Francisco: POPOS and Air Rights

One of the oddest and awkward acronyms in my opinion for a secretive area is a POPOS: Privately Owned Public Open Spaces. I honestly giggled at this, as did the other people on the tours. These secret areas are mandatory for newly created or renovated buildings in San Francisco; however, the owners of the buildings dislike having to pay for this secretive public space and try to restrict people from knowing about these areas. The owners have these areas highly secured with cameras monitoring the entire place as if there was high crime. As I walked around the POPOS, it was very peaceful and plentiful in plantations. No more than 2 or 3 people were even there, not to mention that it was even difficult to actually FIND the path to get there. I visited at least 4 different POPOS, some were on the roof and some were down in the streets. There was one on the roof of Wells Fargo, the only way to reach the roof was through the elevator, which seemed impossible since there are intimidating security guards near the elevator and there is a key hole near the elevator button with the letter “R” for “Roof” as a way to sway people from hitting the button. I think I would do the same thing as the building owners since I am forced to provide this secretive public area and use my money for this unintended part of the building, I would have no one come to this POPOS and try to keep it as unused as possible.

            When our tour guide, Rick Evans, explained how there was “Air Rights” for building on each block, I was astounded by how that even came to be in San Francisco. Wherever a building is built, the air above it is also owned by that building. On some blocks, there are limits on the number of stories there can be on a building, the ones I saw only had a 30 story limit. The law was, a building can only gain more “Air Rights” from neighboring buildings. This clearly explained why some neighboring buildings were extremely short compared to the buildings next door. I saw a bank that only had two stories, while the building next to it had over 50 stories; the “Air Rights” were sold to that building, thus making it extremely high. When the rights are taken from a building, the building next door may seem like it was cut like a piece of cake oddly enough. An example of this was the Hobart Building, one big chunk of the building was flat, with no windows, just a flat wall with paint; making the building seem out of place or odd.
Hobart Building, Wikipedia.
