Sunday, November 2, 2014

How can a WAR make something SO beautiful????

"I have been in the trenches again and I am one of the very few who is still alive and haven't a scratch on me. My regiment the 106th Infantry is wiped out. How I ever got out alive is more than I can tell. My Sargent, my corporal, my squad all got it but me, even my Lieutenant was wounded three times. The boys of the line companies got to their objective which was the Hindenburg Line, held it and the few that was left smashed the Hindenburg Line the next morning and kept going on."(Peter Schaming, Jr.). 
Wikimedia commons: John Roberts
World War I 
Hello bloggers, my name is Roynell Anderson, and that was the introduction of Mr. Schaming's autobiography about World War 1. Peter Schaming was living in Paris during the time of World War 1 and shared his experiences with Citizen Soldiers, a website that haves different autobiography of surviving soldiers from WW1. This isn't the only story about the horrible-shocking events that happened. Some other stories tell about people that came back from the war with missing legs, missing arms, and had shell shock (also known as posttraumatic stress disorder.) As you can see war wasn't like a walk in the park. It was horrible and it had an negative impact on the French people. People started to drink and stop going churches: welcome to the lost generation. 
The Lost Generation 
 "What are all the clocks for?" she asked.  "They show the hour all over America." "Don't kid me."  
We turned off the Avenue up the Rue des Pyramides, through the traffic of the Rue de Rivoli, and through a dark gate into the Tuileries. She cuddled against me and I put my arm around her. She looked up to be kissed. She touched me with one hand and I put her hand away. 
Wikimedia Commons:Frank Thompson 
"Never mind."  "What's the matter? You sick?" "Yes."  "Everybody's sick. I'm sick, too." We came out of the Tuileries into the light and crossed the Seine and then turned up the Rue des Saints Pères"You oughtn't to drink pernod if you're sick." "You neither."  
"It doesn't make any difference with me. It doesn't make any difference with a woman."(Ernest Hemingway) 
Welcome to the lost generation, a time period where you can confuse people with your writing and get away with it. It was also the time to drink like there is no tomorrow. That's probably why a lot of people died during this the lost generation. "The Sun Also Rises" by Ernest Hemingway, shows a great example of the lost generation. During the story the author writes about meeting a girl that he have no connection with. During that time, people would write about this and will find a way to make their stories sound interesting by hooking up with girls that where younger than them. The lost generation is similar to the roaring twenties because during the roaring twenties, people was drinking more and changed the way Americas see women's views. 
If I got a chance to go back in time, I would go to the time of the lost generation, hands down. The lost generation seems like a fun time in history to go visit. It interested me that the French was able to turn a negative into a positive. After fighting in the war, the lost generation was a time for Paris to have fun and don't care about what people say. I wish that America can be like the lost generation. For now, I just have to keep on dreaming and watch Midnight in Paris and The Great Gatsby.   
-Roynell Anderson


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