my name is Destyni Freese. I am applying to the Context travel program because there
are multiple benefits that I as an individual can bring to the Program as well
myself. Of course, the obvious reason is
to be able to travel to a place where very few are given the opportunity to go.
However, that isn’t the only reason. The program gives me the opportunity to
start off my future on the right path. I dream to become and International
Corporate Finance Lawyer. In order to be able to travel around the world you
must be able to be comfortable with traveling to unfamiliar places. I have
never been outside of the United States before so in order to actually achieve
my dream I must start somewhere. In my opinion, Paris is the perfect place to
I’m in Paris I look forward to being able to experience a different culture
first hand and become more knowledgeable of the Parisian History. I can’t wait
to be able to go to the museums and see paintings and pictures that I’ve only
had the option of viewing out of history books. I want to be able to taste the
food that Paris has to offer me. I yearn to see everything I possibly can
before I leave and bring it home to everyone so they can know what I know. The
most amazing part is I will be able to do all of this without leaving a major
negative impact on the city’s environment.
I was most intrigued by the concept
of continuously changing ways of life as time passes. We can mainly visualize
this through the modernistic period of Paris. We went over multiple ways in
which Paris changed when it went through its modernistic period. Two are its
music and art. Music before the Modernistic era was mainly based off of a
religious context. As time went along, music changed from religious melodies to
a smooth, never before heard type of music called Jazz. Jazz was played by
multiple people and could be played in a relaxed setting like clubs. Religious
music was only played in a sophisticated setting. Art changed as well. The
traditional ways of art was realistic paintings with a twist of religion. Once
it was modernized it became abstract and colorful. A painter we all know is
Pablo Picasso. His paintings are some of the many that came out of that time
period that challenged the traditional ways of art.
The Changing of Paris’s cultural
norms as it grew reminded me a lot of myself as an individual and everyone as a
society. No one has the same ways that they had as children when they are
teenagers and most adults don’t have the same ways as they did when they were
teenagers. I know I’m always changing. For example, I used to love tomatoes as
a child. I would sit with the refrigerator door open eating a tomato like it
was a peach. As I grew I’ve come to not enjoy them as much. It’s almost as if the traditional cultural
norms of multiple societies like the artistic values of Paris, in a way, have
become the Parisian’s tomatoes. Being
able to go to Paris and see how much it has changed now from its original
Modernistic era puts the cherry on top of everything because I will be able to
visualize firsthand the transformation of beautiful society.
Maybe we should all start looking at
ourselves and our community more to see how we’ve changed. Is it a positive or
negative change? If it’s negative what can we do to change it? There’s always a
way and we aren’t perfect. So what can we do to change the ways in which we live
to have a more positive view.
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http://www.themost10.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/Girl-Before-A-Mirror-By-Pablo-Picasso.jpg?359737 |
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http://luxetravel.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Apollo-Gallery-at-the-Louvre.jpg |
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http://www.amigos-museu-sbras.pt/images/Goodtime%20Jazz%20Band%20poster%20-%204th%20March%202007.jpg |
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