Sunday, November 3, 2013


How dare him!! Where does he get the nerve? To paint me in Pope Julius’s library, and in my own style! That little Raphael knows what he’s doing. He’s trying to psych me out, to make me fail on the Sistine Chapel. Well, it won’t work! I've worked too hard to sit around and let a rookie take my place in Rome! I was born from nothing but thankfully the Medici family took me in and gave me the proper schooling I needed. My apprentices think I’m paranoid but they are probably in on it too. Those sneaky little rats! I must calm down and act unaffected by this problem known as Raphael. He told me that he only painted me to honor me that he respects me. LIES!!!!! I know it! I can feel it in my blood. My grandmother had a sixth sense you know. I can tell it is running through my veins! Raphael painting the school of Athens and the guy even had the nerve to paint himself! So if he can do it so will I!
Cardinal Carafa came and saw my unfinished work and got highly upset. Why you must ask? Because I painted all the angels and God nude. I don’t understand how this is offensive, when God created Adam and Eve they were both naked and only got ashamed of it when they sinned. So Cardinal Carafa, have you sinned? That’s why you’re ashamed? I want you to go and try to paint for four years on one project. So while the Pope was away Carafa came and made people paint cloth or fig leaves over the art. So I painted Carafa going to hell, which is his fault for censoring my art.  At this point I don’t even care. No one can appreciate me anymore since Raphael came.
I did not even want to paint this chapel. I am not a painter, I am more of a sculptor or logical thinker. The stress of the Sistine Chapel is taking a toll on me, I feel like standing like this for long periods of time have made me gone insane. I have spent four years of my life on this project. How can I ever recover from this? I have painted myself as a glob of loose skin depicting how this job has affected me mentally and physically. I also painted myself halfway to hell and halfway to heaven because I have no idea where I will go when I perish. I just want to get back working on the tomb for Pope Julius II but he asked me to work on this chapel instead. I cannot wait to be done with this and move on with my life before it is over.....

Signed, Michelangelo (Myriah Catalano) 


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