I missed out on the last current seminar on Saturday. Though
I was not able to attend I was still able to obtain Information on the topic
Greek mythology. There are so many different pieces and aspects to the general
knowledge of mythology itself it is a little hard to comprehend. The thing
about mythology is that it is all about myths. You are not sure if anything is
true and there are no facts, just stories that were passed down since the
beginning of time. Of course in the passed there was not technology such as
electricity so these stories and myths were told orally and sometimes the
details were a bit switched up and changed. Versions of these stories were told
but the main points were kept to keep the generality of it all.
Rome had a bit of mythology, especially when trying to find
the truth of how the city was founded. Rome was built on the satisfaction of
power and similar to some other myths there was a dispute between two brothers
and one murders the other. Just as myths are told there were several other
versions of how Rome was founded, but the story of the two brothers was the
most popular and believed. It is not certain that it was true, but only by
belief it is known. Another connection with Rome and mythology is the civilization
of the Etruscans. They were sought out to be only a myth because no one knew
where they came from as well. The Etruscans was a cultural civilization that
gave the Romans inspiration and the capability to borrow ideas from them. The
idea of the foundation to the Etruscans and their civilization was not just
unknown, but doesn't have a myth tied to it either. Their existence is a myth
Myths are not meant to be solved, but to be believed like a
fairytale. As a child, mythology is taught by the basics and fundamentals, but not told the whole story due to
the incest and bestiality of mythological stories and creatures. Myths were
originally created to take place of any unknown answers to questions that were
asked. It is up to you to believe them or not, but because answers cannot be
found, myths are believed until the facts are found, even through Rome.
--Meryssa Mayshack
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