Monday, November 19, 2012

Is this War?


Life is filled with hatred and some people like to express that feeling with words or violence. As for the Etruscans it was all about war. In the past seminar I've recently attended, I've learned that hatred wasn't just the only thing that drove war upon colonies. It was things like power, riches, people, bigger military, gain of slaves, architecture, and even inspiration. The Romans would conquer another colony and discover something new that they would use in the future for their purposes. Romans would also build up their military to destroy others and gain power. Through the entire lesson I was most interested in the Etruscans.
The Etruscans was never really founded. There was myths of how they came to be, but it was unknown to how they were brought up. They were enemies of the Romans and because they were enemies, the Etruscans defeated the Romans in battle. The Etruscans were known as barbaric, but they were very smart. Even though the Etrucans defeated the Romans, the Romans were inspired by their sewage system. Before the Romans would just throw their waste out into the roads and people would be surrounded by poop and such, which was very unsanitary. Because of the sewage system, this cleaned up their bad habits that caused disease. There was several other things that influenced the Romans by the Etruscans. Archs, language and writing was picked up by the Etruscans and helped with the new era of the Romans. I believed that the Romans were smart to pick up new things from a colony that overruled them. You learn from your mistakes and sometimes pick up the habits to gain strength.
Not only was this inspiring but it brought a revolution to the new and modern world we live in today.
- Meryssa Mayshack


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